Get Picked To Speak

If speaking at conferences is your goal, you need the secrets to create an irresistible speaker proposal!

You have a message, experience and knowledge that needs to be heard. Get Picked will give you the tools you need to be chosen as a speaker for the conference of your dreams.

If speaking at conferences is your goal, you need the secrets to create an irresistible speaker proposal!

You have a message, experience and knowledge that needs to be heard. Get Picked will give you the tools you need to be chosen as a speaker for the conference of your dreams.

Get Picked Is Available Now!

About The Book

If getting selected to speak at conferences is a mystery to you, Get Picked is the book you need to get clear on the whys and what-to-dos of how to be chosen as a speaker. Conferences want to share your voice, your message, your knowledge with their audiences. Get Picked will show you how to create your speaker proposal so that it’s a must-have topic for the conference of your dreams.

In this detailed, informative how-to book, you’ll find the tools you need to define your topic and draft your abstract so you can be selected more consistently for speaking opportunities. Get Picked is a powerful companion text to any book available on how to prepare and deliver a great speech. Before you can give a speech, you have to get picked to speak!

If You Are...

  • A professional looking to raise your profile and build your personal brand in your industry or in related industries
  • An entrepreneur or solopreneur wanting to expose your message, product or service to a broader audience
  • A marketing professional responsible for creating speaker proposals for your organization
  • Someone with special knowledge of a hobby, lifestyle focus or other special interest

Then Get Picked is the book you need to get clear on what you need to do to become a conference speaker!

About The Book

If getting selected to speak at conferences is a mystery to you, Get Picked is the book you need to get clear on the whys and what-to-dos of how to be chosen as a speaker. Conferences want to share your voice, your message, your knowledge with their audiences. Get Picked will show you how to create your speaker proposal so that it’s a must-have topic for the conference of your dreams.

In this detailed, informative how-to book, you’ll find the tools you need to define your topic and draft your abstract so you can be selected more consistently for speaking opportunities. Get Picked is a powerful companion text to any book available on how to prepare and deliver a great speech. Before you can give a speech, you have to get picked to speak!

If You Are...

  • A professional looking to raise your profile and build your personal brand in your industry or in related industries
  • An entrepreneur or solopreneur wanting to expose your message, product or service to a broader audience
  • A marketing professional responsible for creating speaker proposals for your organization
  • Someone with special knowledge of a hobby, lifestyle focus or other special interest

Then Get Picked is the book you need to get clear on what you need to do to become a conference speaker!


For An Irresistible Speaker Proposal

Sign up for emails and receive the guide 5 Must-Dos for an Irresistible Speaker Proposal AND a sample chapter from Get Picked free!


For An Irresistible Speaker Proposal

Sign up for emails and receive the guide 5 Must-Dos for an Irresistible Speaker Proposal AND a sample chapter from Get Picked free!

About The Authors

Aurora Gregory

As an 8th grader, Aurora was a finalist in a speech contest. She didn’t win but that just might have been the start of her career as a communicator.

Some of the biggest brands in business have worked with her to get their message right, create communications programs that connect with target audiences, and set marketing strategies – all achieving stellar results.

Aurora’s gotten high marks as a communications trainer, helping people develop skills to deliver their most important messages to customers, media, and presentation audiences. She has years of experience in leading speaker’s bureau programs that have placed hundreds of speakers at local, national, and international conferences.

When she’s not talking, you’ll likely find her hiking the foothills in her hometown or on the sofa watching classic movies.

David Pitlik

David is an expert storyteller and seasoned writer who has mastered the fine art of marketing, communications, and public relations…all modesty aside.

He has earned an outstanding reputation for his ability to transform the industry and technical jargon into engaging, comprehensible language and infuse content with compelling stories for maximum impact. He has years of experience creating speaker proposals and helping hundreds of experts claim speaking spots at regional, national and international conferences.

Putting words in the mouths of clients comes easily to David, having spent 17 years as a network television comedy writer.

When he’s not making his clients look good through standout ghostwriting, he earns the occasional honor for himself, such as the Los Angeles PRism Award for excellence in writing and communications, and PCLA PRo Award for best writing for an in-house corporate newsletter.

About The Authors

Aurora Gregory

As an 8th grader, Aurora was a finalist in a speech contest. She didn’t win but that just might have been the start of her career as a communicator.

Some of the biggest brands in business have worked with her to get their message right, create communications programs that connect with target audiences, and set marketing strategies – all achieving stellar results.

Aurora’s gotten high marks as a communications trainer, helping people develop skills to deliver their most important messages to customers, media, and presentation audiences. She has years of experience in leading speaker’s bureau programs that have placed hundreds of speakers at local, national, and international conferences.

When she’s not talking, you’ll likely find her hiking the foothills in her hometown or on the sofa watching classic movies.

David Pitlik

David is an expert storyteller and seasoned writer who has mastered the fine art of marketing, communications, and public relations…all modesty aside.

He has earned an outstanding reputation for his ability to transform the industry and technical jargon into engaging, comprehensible language and infuse content with compelling stories for maximum impact. He has years of experience creating speaker proposals and helping hundreds of experts claim speaking spots at regional, national and international conferences.

Putting words in the mouths of clients comes easily to David, having spent 17 years as a network television comedy writer.

When he’s not making his clients look good through standout ghostwriting, he earns the occasional honor for himself, such as the Los Angeles PRism Award for excellence in writing and communications, and PCLA PRo Award for best writing for an in-house corporate newsletter.


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